총 게시물 46건, 최근 0 건

오레곤 교도소 12월 기도편지

글쓴이 : 생명나무 날짜 : 2016-12-21 (수) 00:34 조회 : 7160

존경하는 기도의 동역자님께,

"우주와 가운데 있는 만물을 지으신 하나님께서는 천지의 주재시니 손으로 지은 전에 계시지 아니하시고 무엇이 부족한 것처름 사람의 손으로 섬김을 받으시는 것이 아니니 이는 만민에게 생명과 호흡과 만물을 친히 주시는 이심이라 인류의 모든 족속을 혈통으로 만드사 땅에 살게 하시고 그들의 연대를 정하시며 거주의 경계를 한정하셨으니 이는 사람으로 하나님을 더듬어 찾아 발견하게 하려 하심이로되 그는 우리 사람에게서 멀리 계시지 아니하도다   우리가 그를 힘입어 살며 기동하며 존재하느니라"


하나님은 창조주이시며 주재자이시며 모든 생명의 원천이시며 우리를 구원하시는 구원의 하나님이시며 주권자되시는 하나님의 절대 주권적 권능으로 인생도 자연도 시간도 모두 분의 통치아래 순복할 뿐입니다.  

하나님의 정하신 섭리와 역사속에서  한해도 저물어가고있습니다.

우리에게 생명을 주시고 역사의 흐름속에서 하나님을 찾기를 원하시며 우리에게 풍성한 생명을 누리기를 기뻐하시는 좋으신 하나님 아버지께 그리스도 예수 우리 구원의 주님으로 말미암아  감사와 영광을 올립니다.


수감수들의 기도제목 올립니다.

함께 기도해주시니 감사합니다.

기쁘고 따스한 크리스마스를 맞이하시고 새해에는 하시는 모든일에 하나님의 크신 은혜와 인도하심이 함께하시기를 기원합니다.



Prayer Requests 

Jennifer B.  7/28/16    I lift myself up to God accepting the Holy Spirit into my world. I wish for Him to work His divine power and love, blessing me with courage and strength to endure this test. I lift Jay up to the Lord's protection. I ask and seek that God surround J with His mighty arm or a protection and love. He has blessed me and Jay with our love for one another.

Jeanette M.  .  7/28/16    Lord keep making me into the woman You have called me to be. Prepare me for Turning Point (AIPtx.) So I'll be successful at completing the program and so I can deal with all that's inside of me that's held me captive for so long. Free me of that stuff and fill me with You. I want to be Your girl. Protect and bless my children and husband. Also I pray for restoration for the relationships between me and my kids and my husband. I want prayer for Matt, Jimmy, Owenn and Ricky. Reveal yourself to them and help them get to know You as Lord and Savior of their life.

Marcie  .  7/28/16     please pray that I get to go to the treatment center for my trans leave in November. Pray for my daughter and son, that they would be witnessed to buy someone they would listen to and come to the Lord. I'm really loving seeking the Lord these days. I'm having peace, joy and strength.

Natalie O.  .  7/28/16     Please bless my children and their new foster family. Please bring my sons and sisters to the Lord. Please heal my sister Tammy's broken ankle and keep her safe from pain pills. Please ease the pain of my fiancée Deon with the passing of his father.



Angella T.  7/30-16   I want to pray for knowledge of God's will for me and my family. I want to pray for my children and family to know the Lord in their hearts. I really want to get through this treatment program and go home. Thank you.

Delfina S.  7/30-16  Hello, can you please forgive my brothers and be with them. They have court coming up. Can you please give them another chance. Help them see that You are the reason that they have another chance. Can you be with Mia and Kyle's son. I pray for angels to be around them and help keep them safe and help provide for them. I pray for Mary and Joseph that their prayer be heard and be with my mom and Gilbert and here their prayers.

Holly K.  7/30-16   Prayers for guidance and sobriety. Prayers for strength to be able to save my life. Find my children and be strong enough to mend our relationships. Prayers for my children Austin, McKenzie, Emmally. Zachary. Pray that they are all healthy, happy and safe and that they forgive me.

Jolene P.  7/30-16   Prayers for patients, endurance to make it through the treatment. For strength to endure each day away from my loved ones. Prayers to stand against all unclean spirits in my relationship with Jason and restore our friendship. Prayers for the salvation for Roman, Sheldon, Jake, Clara, Bryson, Angie, Ermon, Leah, Alyssa, Isaiah, Stephen, David, John, Rupert, Cheryl, Rob and counselors at the prison.  Prayers for restoring my health and life. And for restoring my children's relationships with me.

Josse P.  7/30-16  Prayers for continued guidance in treatment. Prayers for a hedge of protection over my family and my daughter's Chloe and Layla. Prayers to watch over Joe and Nick.

Lona V.  Please Lord, give me strength. I think You for guiding me through tough times in treatment. Thank you for all my support and for not giving up on me. Prayers for grandpa and Heather's dialysis that it would go well. Please find Heather a kidney transplant.

Sarah McC.  7/30-16   Please pray that I can be a blessing in the lives of others. Please pray that my family will be healthy and safe. Prayers for my friend Dean to stay safe and find peace in federal prison. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.


Prayer Requests-8-25-16  CCCF

Stacy; I want guidance on leaning on God's love. Also pays for myself to be out of the drama.

Have hurt my baby. Pray daddy will answer the phone so I can talk to my son. For my mom also-her health.

Melissa; pray that I find courage to start over on my own. If my husband cannot get sober please pray that he find sobriety.

For my family and dealing with the loss of my grandma. I pray that my husband finds a house.

Marcy; I just heard my son Robert is addicted to heroin. He lives in Alaska. I fear for him. Please pray for recovery for him and safety. He's 39.

Pray that I can be strong in this terrible trial and that it would be a door open for me to go to N A R A treatment for my sons leave in November.

Shay; pray for my husband's promotion, kids third grade start school-my self-care and development.

Pray for my grandpa's health. He's 93 1/2. I am thankful for my sisters in Christ.

Kimberly K; pray to keep walking the right path as I get out in September. Strength and courage and trust in all God has in store for me. Thank you.

Pray for health and peace for my nephew's brother and sister in law, little sister and for my mom and dad.

Pray for wisdom for my friends that will be out next year.

Kimberly B.; Lord you know my heart and only you know what is best for me. Please help me to be still and wait for your word, your direction. I want to live again Lord and live for you, for good, to love and to be loved.

Please be with Sonny, Lord, comfort him and if it is your will Lord, please heal him and use him to show those who he is around just how great you are and help him to stand strong and to stay in your word. Help him to make good choices as he is getting closer to going home.

Lord, if it is your well, that Sonny and I are to be together still then please show me away and if it's not your will, then I will accept it and know that His plans are much greater than mine. Please be with my family and keep them safe and continue showing me which way to go.


Prayer Requests-8-27-16

Mia B.: Bless me with strength courage and love in my heart.

Watch over Madison, Mason, Coetzee, Toussaint, and Camille my children. Put love in their hearts and grace.

Jenell S.-I need prayer for things to come together for me to go home. My living situation, parenting plan, my dad, job, Logan.

I pray for the no contact order between me and my mom to be lifted before I go home as she is my biggest healthy support.

Delfina  N.:-Jesus help my Eric get big and tall and keep a close eye on him and love him like he's yours. Jesus I ask that you be with Mia. Let her hear your way and be with son Kyle.

Jesus I don't know if you got this yet but please save my aunt from dying. Heal her please, in Jesus name. Amen.

Jesus feet all the animals of the world and let them get fat.

Jolene P.-Be aware of the Lord's presence. Draw closer to the Lord. My release date to be approved 9-6-16. Restore my friendship with Jason. Grow to become the woman God intended me to be.

Salvation for Sheldon,, Bryson, Jake, Clara, Angie, Herman, Leah, Alyssa, Stephen, Isaiah, David, Robert, John, Marcus, Kelsey, Kylie, cookie, dirt, Lynette, Brenda, Donna, Tracy, Keith.

My health treatment friends, my children, thank you Lord for all the work he is doing in me.

Sarah M.:-I'd like to pray that I can be a blessing in the lives of my family and to my community. Also that I could be delivered from the desire to be loved and from the fear of humiliation. God bless you. Thank you.


10/27/16  Alison  Please pray that my obsession to want to use drugs (this sin) be lifted. That I go to tx soon. That my daughter Sharia can forgive me for my absence and the void I left in her heart and life. She will be 18 on the 28th. Pray that she opens her heart and comes to know the Lord.

10/27/16  Deirde  Lord I’m here to feel the embrace of your arms. I need you to help Maya find me. Chris to realize his heart and Terry to find help. Please help others here find you like I have.

10/27/16  Lisa  That God will bless me as he did Jabez. For my husband.

10/27/16  Marcie  I’m still waiting for Narq Treatment Center to let me know if they would accept me for my trans. Leave, November 30, if they do, I know it’s God’s will. My son Robert is addicted to heroin. Please pray that he would be delivered from it. No matter what it takes for the Lord to do it. I’m afraid for him.

10/27/16  For strength and wisdom in the Word. For faith and perseverance in always of the Lord. Heal Isaac, Jeremy, Hannah, Ireland, Christian, Gabriel, mom, Paul, Tammy, Tiffany, Haili, Michayla, and Ivy. Heal our family and mend our broken hearts. Please look out for Deon when he releases from prison and starts school. He came on the narrow path.

10/27/16  Wendy  That I go to treatment very soon. For peace - I miss my family a lot. That my marriage can be saved. That I am home soon. Prayers for my kids, dad, mom, and Auntie Debbie. I’m having a hard time and really miss my family and want to go home. I’m sad all the time.


10/29/16  Delfina  Prayers for protection for Mia and Kyle’s son from all evil. Lord keep your eyes on Ruben. Opened his eyes to see You’re the way. Do you hold me in the night? If so, keep doing it, if not, can you start doing it. Help my Eric in school and keep good company around him. Can you help my brothers to stop using drugs? I know you hear me and I thank you for answering all my prayers. Help me get a job and help me live on my own.

10/27/16  Jenell  I go home Tuesday and need prayer for things to come together for me with a job, housing, talking to my support and financial obligations. My cousin Rachel is stuck in her addiction and needs prayer that she will turn towards God and repent. I get to talk to my mom when I leave. Praise God!

10/27/16  Kathy  I’m here to worship my Lord Jesus because I really love and appreciate Him. Protect my whole family from any harmful thought or action. I want to be able to meditate on His Word all day.

10/27/16  Leah  please heal Matthew’s sickness and bring him close to God. Give him hope and fill his heart with love and God. Please help Gail have strength, forgiveness and peace.

10/27/16  Nicole  Prayers to help me to have the strength to make it through treatment, to have the wisdom to read Your words Lord and to lift my anxiety and guilt and shame and to help me to feel lighthearted. To watch over my mom Laura and my kids Kaleb, Katanna and David and keep them safe and healthy, to protect them and help them through any struggles. For them to be able to come visit next weekend.

10/27/16  Sarah  Please pray I can be delivered from the desire to be loved also from the fear of slander. Please pray I can be a blessing to my community and that I can find a job when I get home. Thank you and God bless you.

10/27/16  Tina  Bless me with His love and faith. Prayers that God will protect my children until I get out December 27. Prayers that God will give me strength to complete this treatment program.