총 게시물 242건, 최근 0 건

내규 수정 사항(1) Proposed Items for Bylaws Revision

글쓴이 : 타코마 중앙장로… 날짜 : 2016-09-24 (토) 02:42 조회 : 1591

내규수정 사항  Proposed Items for Bylaws Revision


1.      시무장로 정년 제한 대해, regarding Active Elder age limit

a.       그대로 두자 (65), leave as it is now at 65.

b.      70세로 올리자, raise to 70 years old

c.       연령 제한을 없애자, no age limit

d.      65세가 되어도 3년임기를 마친 은퇴토록 하자. Let an elder serve the full three year term, even past his/her 65th birthday.


2.      장로 당선 득표율 대해,  percentage of ELDER election

a.       그대로 두자 (60%)  leave as it is now

b.      50% 낮추자, lower to 50%


3.      안수집사 재신임 없애자, Reconfirmation for Active Ordained Deacons

a.       그대로 두고 재신임하자, leave as it is now, re-elect every 3 years

b.      재신임을 없애자, no more re-election vote for Ordained Deacons


4.      선거를 매년하는 대해, regarding Election Frequency

a.       그대로 두고 매년하자, leave as it is now, election every year, allowing new class of officers to be elected.

b.      2 마다 하자 (시무장로 임기를 3년에서 4년으로 조정 필요),  election every other year, (this will require Elder’s Term to be extended from THREE to FOUR years)


5.      공동의회 성회 정족수 대하여, regarding Quorum for Congregational Assembly

a.       그대로 두자, leave as it is at 25% of Active Members

b.    투표가 필요한 경우 25%, 보고와 토론만 위한 모임은 10%,  Change to 10% for just Reporting, and 25% for Voting

c.    상회법인 ECO 교단 규례서를 따라 10% 하자.  Make it 10%, consistent with the ECO’s Polity (1.0502 Calling Meetings)


2 공동의회  Chapter II. Meetings of the Congregation (Congregational Assembly)

1  안건   Article 1: (Agenda)

        4:  교회 재산의취득또는처분

        Section 4. Procurement and disposition of the church property

=> 교회재산권 처분을 반드시 공동의회에서 인준하는 조항에는 변동이 없음.

NO Change on this rule that requires the approval of Congregational Assembly for the matters regarding church property.




5   권사회  Chapter V. Board of Kwonsa


권사회는교회의권사로조직한다 회장단은시무권사로구성한다.

Article 1 (Organization): The board of Kwonsas shall consist of all the Kwonsas of this Church, and the executive members of the board shall be from the Active Kwonsa.

*권사회 회장단의 요청으로 회장단은 시무권사로 구성한다 문구를 삭제할 것을 제안. 

Per the request from Officers of Kwonsa Board, the second part of the Art.1  “and the executive members of the board shall be from the Active Kwonsa”  will be deleted.


7   교회의직원  Chapter VII. The Church Officers

1    교회는다음과같은선출직원과명예직원들을있다.

Article 1 (Officers): This church will have the following elected and honorary officers.


5. 시무장로   Section 5. Active Elder:

현재: ( ): 성수주일은물론특별한사유가없는교회소정의정규예배에빠지지않고  참여하는 .  

Present (Attendance): Those who attend Sunday worship service and other church  worship services unless extraneous reasons.

*개정안: (교회 사역에 참여)  성수주일은 물론 특별한 사유가 없는 교회 소정의 정규예배에 빠지지 않고  출석하며

소정의 훈련과정을 성실하게 수료하고, 소그룹 사역 (구역봉사자, 선교회 임원) 사역원과 위원회 봉사에 3년이상 적극 참여 .

Revision (PARTICIPATION): Those who not only attend Sunday Worship regularly, but participate in the training programs faithfully, serve in small groups (leadership roles in districts & fellowship groups), and serveas key members in Committees for at least THREE years.


11. 시무안수집사  Sect.ion 11. Active Ordained Deacon:

현재 (출석): 성수주일은물론특별한사유가없는교회소정의정규예배에빠지지않고참여하는

Present (Attendance): Those who attend Sunday worship service and other church worship services unless special reasons.

*개정안: (교회 사역에 참여)  성수주일은 물론 특별한 사유가 없는 교회 소정의 정규예배에 빠지지 않고  출석하며소정의 훈련과정을 성실하게 수료하고, 소그룹 사역 (구역봉사자, 선교회 임원) 사역원과 위원회 봉사에 2년이상 적극 참여한 .

Revision (PARTICIPATION)  Those who not only attend Sunday Worship regularly, but participate in the training programs faithfully, serve in small groups (leadership in districts & fellowship groups), and serve as key members in Committees for at least TWO years.



18. 시무권사  Section 18. Active Kwonsa:

*현재 (자격): 교회에등록한5년이경과한활동교인으로45이상의여자집사중에서 공동의회가선출한다

Present (Qualification): A deaconess, with minimum age of forty five (45) years old, and at least five (5) years of active membership, to be elected by the Congregational Assembly.

*개정안 (자격): 45이상의 여자 활동교인으로 , 제직으로 5 이상 봉사 중에서 공동의회가선출한다

Revision (Qualification): A deaconess, with minimum age of forty five (45) years old, and at least five (5) years of service as officers, to be elected by the Congregational Assembly.

=> 이것은 지난10년간 공천위원회에서 이미 적용한 기준임.

제직 서리집사, 안수집사, 협동안수집사등을 포함하여 제직회에 참석할 자격이 있는 봉사자를 지칭함.

This was the standard used by Nominating Comm. for the past TEN years.  And “officers” includes all categories of deacons.