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2016. 8. 14. EM NEWS

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Bible Studies

* Sundays: Room S-218 at 11:30 - 12:30 PM

* Wednesday: Tyrannus Room at 11:00 AM - 12 Noon

▣ Announcements ▣

1. Officer Election Results :

* Elder-Elect: Bill Anderson, Jeffrey Byrd, Kap Chung, Kwang Kim, Young Lee,

Duk Yi, Howard Yi,

* Kwonsa-Elect: Kapyeon Harle, Hei-soon Jo, Chin Warner

* Ordained Deacon-Elect: Young Cutrell, Maug Kim, Jin An, Mi Lee,

Jong Lee, Reecca Cho

2. Orientation for New Officers Training: 8/21(Sun) 1:15pm Conference Room

3. EM/OW joint district meeting/BBQ: 8/21(Sun) 5 p.m in the fellowship

hall. District leaders please coordinate with your districts members for

pot luck side dishes. Burgers/brats will be provided as the main dish.

See Jeff Byrd with any questions(253-279-0815)

4. Joint Worship Celebrating Change in Denominational Affiliation &

 Banquet: 8/28(Sun) 10:30am

5. MU(Youth Group) Summer Retreat: 8/17-20(Wed-Sat) Black Lake Retreat.

*More Info, contact Pastor James 253-341-9490

6. Pray for Mission trip

 * Tijuana, Mexico(OW): 8/12-15 to build a house for a needy family.

* Indonesia: 8/25-9/10 Yong Tai Kim, Jin Ye Kim (Medical Team)

7. Back-to-School Special Early Morning Family Prayer: 8/27(Sat) 6am

8. Evergreen Senior School: Fall Quarter starts on 8/20(12 weeks) For

more info, contact 253886-9704

9. Korean Language School: Fall Quarter starts on 9/10(Sat) For more

info, contact 253-441-8145