총 게시물 422건, 최근 1 건

EM Sunday Bulletin 9-8

글쓴이 : 타코마 중앙장로… 날짜 : 2024-09-08 (일) 04:42 조회 : 116
9-8-2024_EM.pdf (552.6K), Down : 3, 2024-09-08 04:42:57

*** Bible Verse for September ***

"I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead..

(Philippians 3:10-11)

▣ Announcements

1. Mission Fellowship Leaders Prayer: 9/21(Sat) 7am main sanctuary.

2. New Members Banquet: 9/21(Sat) 4pm Fellowship Hall. Invites member since 2023 Jan.

3. Korean School FallQuarter:9/21~1/25/2025(16Weeks) *Registration 8/19~9/14 at www.tacomakoreanschool.org or church office. For info,(626)213-8730

4. Free Mobile Dental Clinic at TCPC for Uninsured: 9/24(Tue) Sponsored by KWA, By Appointment Only. Contact: Mr. Hong(253)549-8086, (253)878-0785, shong@kwacares.org

5. Congregational Prayer for next Sunday(9/15)Deacon Mike Sangren

6. Daily Living Water for September is available at library.

▣ Church Event Calendar▣


New Officers & Elders Special Prayer Retreat


Fall Special Praise Night


Mission Fellowship Leaders Prayer

Korean School Fall Quarter begins

New Members Banquet


Annual Planning Session


World Communion Sunday